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NOARK 诺雅克电气是一家专注于智能化低压电器并全球化运营的公司。全球雇员约1000人,技术人员占比10%;欧洲及北美籍员工超过60人。NOARK 诺雅克欧洲总部位于捷克布拉格;北美总部位于美国洛杉矶;亚太总部位于中国上海。
凭借出众的设计、严选的材质、精密的制造工艺和严苛的检测系统,NOARK 诺雅克倾力打造的“EQA优品保障” (Excellent Quality Assurance) 体系,为客户提供可靠的品质保障;同时,NOARK 诺雅克获得了美国UL、荷兰KEMA、德国TUV等权威认证,旗下Ex9M产品还荣膺设计界奥斯卡之称的德国红点大奖(Red Dot design award)“产品设计奖”。截至目前,NOARK 诺雅克已为美国、捷克、波兰、罗马尼亚、乌克兰、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚等地的电力、基础设施、工业客户提供各类高端电气系统解决方案,产品已广泛应用于欧洲、北美、亚太地区的30多个国家和地区。
NOARK 诺雅克旗下Smart Unit智能控制器系列、Inpower 智能配电系统、Critical Power关键电源系统解决方案及Solarinel 光伏电气解决方案实现与智能电网的深度整合,显著提高用户的能源效率,在各种恶劣和特殊环境下提供持久可靠的电力保护。

InPower智能配电系统,独特的全系列SmartUnit系列智能控制器和InServer智能通讯服务器,让各类复杂的电气,轻松实现智能化电力监控、远程控制、故障报警电力系统分析。不论是智能小区、办公楼、工厂还是光伏电站,NOARK 诺雅克让您体验简单便捷、用得起的智能科技系统。

Critical Power关键电源系统解决方案,为主、备用电之间的快速切换提供可靠保障,确保关键电源设备的供电连续性,实现电力稳定输出。NOARK 诺雅克以高可靠性,高稳定性,高连续性三大特点,让您的电气设备顺畅高效运行。

Solarinel光伏系统解决方案,让新能源触手可及,灵活便捷,安全可靠。在全球超过1GW各类光伏电站、民用屋顶及BIPV等领域应用中不断得到验证。无论在青藏高原、印度尼西亚热带雨林、还是低温等恶劣环境下,安全可靠使用可达25年以上。全球范围内的多项应用实例和各类权威认证,彰显NOARK 诺雅克电气技术的力量。

NOARK 诺雅克中国总投资7亿元,上海总部面积400 亩,厂房面积42,849平米。 15个销售、技术支持及售后服务分支机构,为客户提供快速、专业的服务。

作为智能电网低压电气供应商,NOARK 诺雅克不仅为电力、钢铁、建筑、石化、通讯、机械等行业客户提供各种智能化配电方案,更广泛应用于太阳能、智能配电、风能、电动汽车、能源储存等领域。在电力行业,NOARK 诺雅克中国已服务于国家电网大连电力、杭州电力、西安供电公司、浙江电力、山西电力、中山电力、山东供电局等客户;在钢铁行业,NOARK 诺雅克产品已服务于武汉钢铁集团、川威集团、宝钢、建龙钢铁、莱芜钢铁等客户;在机械配套行业,NOARK 诺雅克产品已服务于国电南自、艾默生、经纬纺机、台玻悦达、扬州锻压机床厂、扬力集团、熔盛重工等企业;在建筑行业,NOARK 诺雅克产品已服务于五角世贸商城、臻品酒店、华润水泥、浙江中策橡胶等客户;在光伏新能源行业,NOARK 诺雅克产品已服务于中电投、华电、国投、中广核等企业,产品已在青海、甘肃、新疆等光伏电站上大量使用。

研发团队 Our Team
NOARK 诺雅克极为注重对研发体系的投入,已经组建了一支百余人的开发团队,并汇聚多位业界技术专家。依托中国上海电器科学研究院强大研发力量。短时间内申请了145项国际和中国专利,已通过80多项国际及中国专利授权。成功获得小型断路器残压保护专利。该专利的应用,为客户提供更为安全、可靠的预付费电度表用小型断路器的同时也为客户节约了可观的使用成本。该专利产品已在中国国家电网公司部分项目中被采用。

研发平台 Research 
NOARK 诺雅克投入大量研发费用于研发、搭建仿真技术软件平台,购进大电流测试装备,建立起依托计算机数值模拟技术与现代测试技术搭建的现代产品设计研发平台,融合机构运动、结构强度、电磁场、热流场等仿真手段,全面优化产品的设计,提升产品智能化水平和高可靠性。

NOARK Electric is a global supplier of low-voltage electrical components for specialty manufacturing industries. We strive to provide our customers with high-quality products at an affordable price, backed by a five-year limited warranty.

NOARK Electric deals in development, production and distribution of electrical devices and components. The company is part of a group with more than 25 thousand employees. NOARK Electric has invested millions of euro into in-house product development and works with the latest technologies. Our target is to build up the global brand. Regional centres in Shanghai, Prague and Los Angeles manage activities on individual continents and with respects to the requirements of individual markets and countries.

In-house development and technology
NOARK offers a wide portfolio of high quality products for your electrical installation. Products are produced on the basis of in-house technologies. NOARK invests a huge amount of capital into research and development of products every year.

Insight and practicality
Our goal is not to produce only standard products. We want to get closer to the technologies of the future. Our team of engineers looks for new possibilities for technical and technological solutions on a daily basis. Products are also developed with a view to the convenience of their installation. Install simply, function easily and reliably – that is our motto.

State-of-the-art production processes
Our emphasis on development is expressed by the tens of registered patents we hold. As soon as a developed product is certified, it is produced in modern factories, which are equipped with the latest technologies. This ensures the perfect quality and lifespan of our products. NOARK Electric adheres to principles for environmental protection and environmental policy.

We guarantee quality with a 5-year warranty
The high level of endurance of our products is proven by the number of switching cycles, which significantly exceeds the values demanded by the standards. Further proof of quality is the fact that NOARK provides a five-year warranty on all of its products. Quality is not an empty word for our company.
It is a commitment.

European logistics centre in Prague
Noark has established and is continuing to develop a modern European distribution centre in Prague, with the aim of ensuring prompt and reliable deliveries of the whole product range to our customers all over Europe. We cooperate closely with supplier production plants and renowned carriers in order to ensure the availability of our products on the European market and provide logistics services on the level which our customers expect.

First class approach to customers
Technology is not everything. NOARK places an emphasis on an honest and professional approach by its employees towards our business partners. We do not merely want to provide services. We want to find solutions for you. Simply, expediently, comprehensibly and with the minimum of administration. We are a strong company with a strong background. We do our utmost for your satisfation.

Reliable technology
Quality logistics requires modern technology, ranging from a quality information system, right through to modern equipment for storage and physical handling of goods. Noark invests into modern logistics technologies with the aim of speeding up deliveries, perfecting planning, ruling out errors and simplifying administrative processes.

Timely and faultless deliveries
Noark regards a first class logistics service as a natural part of its offer to customers. Not only quality products, but also the ability to supply them reliably at the right time to the right place is a condition for ensuring our customers’ satisfaction and our success.

Reliable and safe products are a matter of course for us
NOARK production plants are certified according to ISO standards in such a way as to satisfy the very highest of demands in the field of quality assurance and production quality. Other than ISO certification, NOARK also meets the stricter CIG 023 certification, for the purposes of covering the requirements of above-standard tests for local certification marks, which are awarded by national certification authorities. 

We place an emphasis on quality
NOARK is very particular about certification of its products. Our incentive is not to meet the legal requirements only, but to ensure quality and to respect the individual requirements of our customers. Our philosophy commits us to provide our customers with sophisticated products. All products are tested and certified in line with IEC and EN standards. This also means monitoring of test processes according to the CB and CCA scheme. Products are thus certified for the European and the global market.

We respect the requirements of individual markets
NOARK also certifies its products in individual countries using national certification marks. This ensures that our products cover not only the basic requirements of the EN standards, but also the specific rules of the local markets. NOARK cooperates with accredited certification authorities both in the field of compulsory and also additional national certification.

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